Preliminary remarks
1) The Mir d’Vollek opposition movement, which originated in the movement opposing the pandemic, very quickly realised that this was not being done to improve people’s health but to make profits. We subsequently looked at what lay behind other points in the official propaganda, and climate change is one of them.
2) Our point is not to say that there is no climate change, because change is the only constant in the climate, our point is to find the real reasons.
3) Those who claim that human activities are the reason for the Earth’s warming in recent years must be ignoring the fact that the ice caps on the planet Mars have been getting smaller according to observations from satellites sent there since the 1960s/70s, even though no industry exists there and no cows fart there. But Mars, like Earth and the other planets in our solar system, has one heating system in common: the Sun!
4) Without CO2 (carbon dioxide) there would be no plants and no life on planet Earth. When the first plants developed 500 million years ago, there were 8,000 or even more and not 420 ppm (particles per million) of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. More CO2 means faster plant growth, and indeed satellite photos show that the small increase in CO2 from 320 in 1960 to 420 ppm today (from 0.032 to 0.042%) has already resulted in a greener planet, despite all the deforestation in various places. What’s more, greenhouse owners are doing everything they can to keep CO2 levels at between 3,000 and 3,500 ppm for optimum growth, since it’s in their economic interests to do so as quickly as possible.
5) Without the ability of the Earth’s atmosphere to retain heat and thus prevent all that heat from evaporating into the vastness of the universe at night, there would be no life on Earth either, because it would be too cold at night for plants to survive. This greenhouse or retroreflection effect should therefore not be considered negative.
6) NASA announced in mid-October that we had passed solar maximum in the summer of 2024. This was nothing more than a blip in the news of the government media and the trusts. But it is enough to tell us that there are solar activity cycles with a maximum and a minimum, and on the way from the maximum to the minimum, the temperature will automatically fall.
The influence of CO2 on the greenhouse effect
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) claims that the influence of CO2 is catastrophic and that the CO2 produced by human activity is the cause of climate change. Created in 1988, it is essentially a propaganda body that is not at all scientific. Since they claim that the majority of serious scientists agree with their conclusions, it is virtually forbidden to question anything with arguments. It reminds us of the plandemic measures that were never to be questioned.
But 1) in science you don’t vote to find majorities, that’s done in politics, and 2) in science you argue. As soon as argumentation is forbidden, we are no longer in science, but in religion, where you have to believe what cannot be proved. However, the IPCC has not succeeded in preventing arguments from challenging it. For example, Dr Ernst Hammel and his team at Independent Climate Research (; have used the same MODTRAN simulation programme from the University of Chicago that the IPCC uses ( to check the IPCC’s indications, to see how and to what extent infrared radiation to the universe is prevented by water vapour (the normal level being between 2 and 3% in the atmosphere, which science then defines as 100%) and CO2. By the way, for the record: around 1870 we had 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, which fell to 280/290 ppm in the early 20th century despite the increase in the use of coal, reaching 320 ppm in 1960 and now 420 ppm. The simulation programme shows that, assuming 0 CO2, an increase in water vapour from 0 to 65% gives a retroreflection of 268.6 W/m2, but that the increase from 65 to 100% adds only 32.2 W/m2, giving a total of 300.8 W/m2. Adding CO2 makes little difference: the increase from 280 to 420 ppm only adds a retroreflection of 1 W/m2 and even the fanciful hypothesis of a doubling to 840 ppm would only add 2.5 W/m2. So an increase in CO2 from 280 to 840 ppm would only increase retroreflection by around 1%, a value that is far from catastrophic and therefore cannot explain a rise in temperature.
If the role of CO2 in retroreflection, as scientists call the greenhouse effect, is so negligible and that an increase would actually benefit a greener planet, any programme to reduce CO2 emissions becomes ridiculous and pointless. So the Paris Treaty, which is supposedly designed to save the climate, should be consigned to the recycling bin, and with it any ban on internal combustion engines at any date! This is all the more true because only the traditional industrialised countries are obliged under this treaty to reduce their emissions, and not at all the emerging and developing countries, which are allowed to increase their emissions in order to lift themselves out of poverty, which they cannot do without more energy, and they would never have enough without using fossil fuels on a large scale. In China PR, around 200 coal-fired power stations are currently under construction, all fitted with filters to prevent the release of fine particles, and in fact this is not a problem. We’d do well to follow their lead so that we don’t end up with no energy at all!
The real reason for climate change
So we’ve ruled out CO2 as the cause of climate change, but now we need to find the real reason, because the climate on this planet is not static. It has evolved upwards and downwards, warmer and colder to varying degrees throughout history. The climate is certainly a system with many interacting causes, and we certainly don’t know all the details of this interaction. However, here the meteorologist and climatologist Prof. David Dilley comes to our aid to indicate at least the main cause. (This is his website: where you can also find his hurricane forecasts). In our invitation we recommended watching a video ( in which he explains the real reason: the greater or lesser radiation we receive from the sun – and this also gives us the reason for the greater or lesser ice caps on the planet Mars.
Dilley begins to explain the so-called Milankovitch cycles of around 120,000 years, during which the Earth is more or less distant from the Sun, to which is added, according to a cycle of 41,000 years, the inclination of the Earth’s axis between a latitude of 22.1 and 24.5 degrees, which results in stronger or weaker solar radiation. All this gives the Earth an ice age every 120,000 years, and we only emerged from the last one 8-10,000 years ago. This means that we are currently in a warm period and not a cold one.
7,000 years ago it was much warmer than it is today. Since then we’ve had cycles of around 1,200 years: a warm period would be followed by a cool period before another warm period and so on. But the warm periods became less and less warm. The Roman optimum was warmer than the medieval optimum and today we have not yet reached the same level of warmth as then. Between the two there was a short ice age.
On a smaller scale, we are influenced by the position of the moon in relation to the sun, which controls the El Niño phenomena, hurricanes and shorter climate cycles, as well as lower or higher tides depending on the greater or lesser distance between the earth and the moon. All this produces additional cycles that are superimposed on the others. For details, I refer you to the video, but in the end it gives us 6 cycles for the last 1200 years, with a warm peak in 850, 1050, 1350, 1550, 1750 and the last one now, which is close to the maximum and will be followed by a cooling.
It should be noted that the last period is the first to have occurred when we have modern measuring equipment at our disposal. Note also that the oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface. We are never in the presence of equal heat everywhere: there are always colder and warmer pockets on land and at sea. Calculating an average erases the differences!
For example, it erases the fact that in January 2024 the Antarctic was much colder than usual. It was even record cold. Another example: in 2023/24 we had the warm El Niño phenomenon at the equator, with temperatures well above normal, but in 2024/25 this will change to La Niña, a cold phenomenon with temperatures colder than normal. In other words, we have a series of cycles from warm to cold, which have been repeated in the same way in the past. While the Pacific has already entered a cold phase outside the equator in 2024, which according to Dilley is likely to last until 2055, for the Atlantic the cold phase will begin in 2030 and last until 2074 in the north and until 2075 in the south, based on deductions from previous historical osciallations. This means that from 2030 onwards we can no longer speak of global warming when we calculate the averages.
Warm cycles begin every 200 to 230 years in the Arctic and Antarctic. When temperatures there become warmer, there is less fresh air flowing towards the mid-latitudes. This is precisely what we saw between 2000 and 2023. Similarly, cooling begins in the Arctic and Antarctic. In 2022 and 2023 we measured the coldest spring and summer in the Arctic and the coldest winter in the Antarctic in 2021. This will send more fresh air towards the mid-latitudes, which will cool down. And this will lead to the end of global warming.
Between 2030 and 2194 the Earth will experience a cold period, followed by the 7th warm period from 2194 to 2259, and let’s hope that by then everyone will be aware of this history of cycles and oscillations so that no one can suggest that temperatures will rise until infinity. It’s only by ignoring the history of past trends that we can tell you anything – and that’s what we’re trying to do at the moment!
With CO2, we also have the phenomenon that cold water absorbs more of it and warm water releases more as it warms up, which means that in warm periods we have more CO2 in the atmosphere than in cold periods. It’s annoying for the prophets of the harmful CO2 religion, but that’s the way it is. CO2 is definitely not the cause of global warming.
Extreme phenomena
You can’t deny that this year there have been catastrophic downpours in Saudi Arabia, in the Gulf emirates, even in the Sahara and then in Spain! Yes, that did happen, but sorry, it has nothing to do with climate change or global warming. There’s a completely different cause that almost everyone is ignoring, and it’s not geoengineering, which of course exists.
The United States of North America have admitted that they want to reduce global warming by spreading fine particles at altitudes of between 10 and 12,000 metres, and they are also having this done by the military aircraft of various NATO countries. In this way they are trying to imitate volcanic eruptions, which have been shown to reduce solar radiation on earth and consequently also the temperature. Naturally, these fine particles do not stay up high, but fall back to earth, which is not good for the lung health of humans and animals. It’s all just well-organised idiocy.
But that doesn’t explain the downpours and floods and all the destruction that followed. The explanation is quite different. On 15 January 2022, a huge volcanic eruption took place near the Tonga archipelago in the South Pacific, 150 metres below the surface. As a result, a huge quantity of water vapour was ejected at an altitude of 12 to 53 km, i.e. even beyond the stratosphere. According to NASA calculations, the amount of water in the atmosphere increased by 10%! With this amount of water, it would be possible to fill 58,000 Olympic swimming pools. (See
On 15 January 2022, at 21 degrees south latitude, it was summer with the sun almost vertical, which meant that all this water could spread more or less equally over the northern and southern hemispheres. Any water that rises into the atmosphere has to come down sooner or later. As it was projected very high up, it took a little longer, but it came back down and gave us the torrential rain that we saw in places where it is rather unknown in such quantities. For those familiar with the eruption of 15 January 2022, there are no surprises. Those 58,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools were bound to fall in huge downpours. Wherever it fell, it was bound to be catastrophic. But as there has never been any real information about this eruption, we can bullshit about the inevitable consequences of global warming and scare the good people into accepting a policy that is harmful to them and that brings huge profits to the shareholders of the international financial capital of the western collective.
Having explained that neither global warming nor cooling can be explained by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, that the warming period will turn into a cooling period from 2030 onwards, leading to really cold periods between 2040 and 2050, and that there is a completely different explanation for the extreme phenomena that have once again been presented to the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies as the start of a climatic catastrophe this week, rationality compels us to reject everything that is being imposed on us to reduce CO2 emissions. We also need to get out of the Paris Treaty to save the climate, which is also an absolutely ridiculous treaty in that it only requires the old industrialised countries to emit less greenhouse gases (the official term), while emerging and developing countries are allowed to continue emitting more. This makes no sense, not even within the official reasoning, because the quantity emitted is actually increasing year on year.
With the Paris Treaty, the EU’s Green Deal is fit for the dustbin, the only way to save our way of life. Stopping the use of fossil fuels will lead to an energy shortage, and we will lose the mobility we still have today. While it is theoretically possible to run an electricity grid using water, wind and solar power, with a strong hydrogen infrastructure and large quantities of hydrogen imported into Western Europe, we have to face facts: the infrastructure needed to do this does not exist and the capital needed to build it is nowhere to be found. It’s like trying to change horses in a horse-drawn carriage in the middle of a ford where there are no spare horses to be found. Energy from gas (22% of global energy consumption), oil (30%), coal (25%) and even wood simply cannot be replaced by electricity generated from water, wind and photovoltaics in the EU.
Now you’re armed with plenty of arguments. Spread the word, and help us bring the truth to bear against their lies about climate catastrophe. You can find this on
The Bovaer 10: a huge piece of rubbish
Finally, another huge piece of rubbish with a chemical addition to the feed of cows and their male companions to supposedly reduce their methane emissions. This is Bovaer 10, which has been authorised in the so-called European Union since February 2022 as a fodder additive and in the UK since December 2023. It comes from the firm dsm-firmenich, the dsm component coming from the Netherlands and having patented this product, firmenich being a Swiss company – the two having merged a few years ago. According to the company, Bovaer 10 is now sold in 68 countries and is said to reduce methane emissions by 27% at a dose of 1g per 20kg of fodder. The product contains 3-NOP, which stands for 3-Nitrooxypropanol.
Some claim that the reduction is as much as 30 or 35%, and in Germany magazines aimed at farmers expressly recommend the product. However, if all cows and their male companions consumed the product, the effect on total greenhouse gas emissions would only be a reduction of between 0.67 and 0.96% of total German emissions. But we know from the explanations above that the greenhouse effect is a prerequisite for life on earth, that CO2 emissions are not a problem, and the same can be said for methane.
This Bovaer 10 is not insignificant, as it comes with five danger symbols. Firstly, you mustn’t heat it up, as it could catch fire. OK, if you don’t put it in the sun, there’s no risk. But two, if you swallow it, it’s harmful to your health. Sorry, they make cows swallow it! Thirdly, if it touches your skin, it will irritate it. What about the mucous membranes of the cows that swallow it? And four, if it gets into your eyes, it’s likely to cause catastrophic damage and severe irritation. You need to go to the doctor straight away! Poor cows. Finally, by five, it is estimated that it threatens the possibility of reproduction and that it harms the unborn child. That’s fantastic! But the so-called European Union says there’s no problem and that we can give it to the cows.
But the so-called European Union has decided that farmers should reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and so governments are stepping in to force them to do so, including the Luxembourg government. Now Arla, in partnership with a number of farmers, is officially carrying out a large-scale test with the Bovaer 10 in the UK, which has caused a stir. An opposition and boycott movement has sprung up, and there’s even a website listing farmers who guarantee not to use this filth, which is putting Arla in trouble.
This could be a reason, if they are also doing it here, not to communicate. After all, half the farmers in Luxembourg deliver their milk to Arla in Pronsfeld, which used to be MUH, but has since been bought by Arla. It would therefore be wise to avoid these products, especially as they are all UHT and therefore war preserves and not fresh products.
As for the rest, if you don’t already have a heat pump, don’t install one, and if you have a diesel-powered car, keep it.
All the best!
This is the transcript of our conference on Saturday, December 7, 2024, 6 p.m. In the invitation we wrote:
Meteorologist David Dilley explains in this video that the current warm phase will end in 2030, to be replaced by a cold phase lasting 65 years: !
We strongly recommend that you view this video in advance, in English with subtitles in the language you understand best, by having the subtitles translated (this is done by clicking on the round symbol to the right of the subtitle symbol, which will be in English if you simply click on it; but in the symbol to the right you can have the subtitles translated into many languages, including French).
78% of our atmosphere is nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen and 0.9% argon. Then come the greenhouse gases: 2% water on average, 0.038% carbon dioxide (CO2) + 0.004% CO2 from fossil fuel combustion. This is far too little time to cause global warming of such magnitude as to pose any danger.
So we’ll have to find another cause for the observed warming!
Over the last 1,200 years, this planet has experienced 6 phases of warming, each followed by a cooling phase. There’s a certain regularity to the duration, between 200 and 240 years each time. This leads David Dilley to see cycles. We are therefore at the end of the sixth warming phase and fairly close to the sixth cooling phase.
Given that the warming phases of 1200 or 1000 years ago can’t have been influenced by industrialization, we’ll have to come to terms with the fact that it’s up to the sun to decide whether it’s going to be warmer or cooler here on Earth. So we’ll have to adapt to temperature changes and live with them. It’s no use mankind trying to make ourselves more powerful than we are. Because there’s no way we can make a treaty with the sun that will ensure that the energy it sends us will always be the same, so that there won’t be continual climate change as in the past.
Will we be able to reverse the Paris Treaty’s policy of so-called climate rescue?
If it’s not the mini-mal increase in CO2 in the atmosphere that’s causing global warming, but the sun’s radiation, it would be smart to stop trying to reduce its production, just like the methane flatulence of cattle.
Of course, behind this policy lie economic interests. With the spread of heat pumps instead of oil or gas heating, and the banning of the internal combustion engine in cars from 2035, international finance capital, which has a majority shareholding in the new industries, is assured of juicy profits. Unfortunately, this would break up current industries, with catastrophic effects on employment.
As well as being harmful to the one-third of humankind who are electrosensitive, all-electricity requires extreme investment in distribution networks and production by wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. But these two sources of electricity production have one major disadvantage: it’s impossible to regulate their output according to demand. The wind blows when it wants to, and the sun is sometimes hidden by clouds but absent every night. In theory, it would be possible to balance this out with hydro-gene produced by fractionating water in large electrolyzers, and to use the hydrogen to generate electricity again in a fuel cell. But this costly infrastructure doesn’t yet exist and won’t be built in 10 years!
What’s more, it’s a perfect illusion that we can maintain an industrialized society in Western Europe by not importing energy, as we have done with oil, uranium and even coal and wood for decades.
Clearly, we could just as easily import hydrogen, but there has been no pro-production, given that all the countries from which the Commission of the so-called European Union dreamed of importing hydrogen are not yet producing it, and all expected that the capital to get production underway would come from the EU, which didn’t have it, doesn’t have it, and won’t have it until 2035, and not even until 2050.
If we fail to reverse this harmful policy, we risk ending up in an energy-starved society. With “smartmeters”, consumers can be cut off from the grid remotely if there isn’t enough electricity for everyone. What’s more, with “smarty+” Creos wants to entice you with prices that change according to whether there’s a lot or a little electricity available, so that you adapt your consumption according to the available supply. So you’re not going to wash your ling or vacuum whenever you want, but when there’s a surplus of electricity. While this may still be possible for a household with a certain loss of comfort, it is completely impossible for industrial production, where it is impossible to stop and restart the machines!
An uninformed people judge poorly and vote poorly. So it’s vital to break through the wall of misinformation created by media dependent on government subsidies or big business. Our web page, where you can click on a link to see the video with David Dilley, this leaflet and this information meeting are a first step. So take advantage of this offer and help us spread the word so that we don’t end up impoverished in a distopic world, where even heating in winter becomes an uncertain luxury.
Oppositiounsbewegung Mir d’Vollek was standing for election to the European Parliament
We stand for the peace, freedom, self-determination, sovereignty and friendship among the nations of Eurasia which together ensure the prosperity of Western Europe.
We therefore oppose today’s European Union, European Commission and European Parliament, which:
—act in the interests of international financial capital and against the people’s interests in peace and prosperity where plandemics (health, or rather, disease), agriculture (artificial fodder), climate policy (abandonment of fossil fuels) and war (armament) are concerned;
—mimic the US administration with anti-Russian sanctions, neither criticise nor investigate the blowing up of Nordstream, and replace cheap Gazprom gas with costly US fracking gas.
This leads to
—energy poverty in terms of both quantity and price
—mass unemployment
—mass poverty
—militarisation of the EU and
—at worst, World War III.
ALL party lists obey this agenda, which doubtless furthers the interests of international financial capital in the collective West but has devastating consequences for everyone else.
Opposition party Mir d’Vollek is the ONLY party opposing every aspect of this disastrous trend, demanding to know why the unauthorised Ursula von der Lügen, ignoring all EU tendering procedures, ordered experimental injections by SMS, and calling for her and all accomplices to be punished.
It is in your interests to support us with a signature and a donation to our election campaign! *
No votes for the parties that intend to carry on as before, sweep the scams under the carpet, and ultimately disenfranchise and impoverish you!
- Campaign donations are welcome in cash at SATURDAY FOR LIBERTY or by transfer to IBAN account No BE47 3501 0303 9280, BIC: BBRUBEBB in the name of our leading candidate Jean-Marie Jacoby.